Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just an Introduction to Mindfulness (Balinest)

Background :
First of all before we start, i want to share the background of Balinest : Mindfulness, why we decided to add this division on Balinest, other then Balinest : Underwater.

Maybe its luck, karma or gods will - i feel so blessed to have a father with strong Buddhist knowledge and meditator. His name is Franky Dhammanatha, well know in Bali's Buddhist community and meditator, you could contact him at his Facebook here. Any way if you interested on more serious meditation retreat // Vipassana Meditation you might interested on practicing at Brahmavihara Arama in Banjar, Singaraja, North Bali, here is the 2016 schedule...

I grow up practicing meditation and hearing lots of spiritual chat and discussion, but it doesnt mean that iam an expert. With Balinest : Mindfulness i want to share this knowledge, meet with others with same interest, practice together and making progress together.

Mindfulness :
The word Mindfulness means maintaining a moment by moment awareness of our mind, body and surrounding environment, and accept anything that happend without judging if its good or bad, like or dislike.

Though Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist meditation, here in Balinest we dont just about Buddhist meditation, we embrace anything, any practice that would bring happiness - but still similar or relate to mindfulness... it could about yoga, meditation, being kind, doing good deeds, healthy food, etc.

 May All Being be Happy, and Freedive


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