Sunday, September 11, 2016

Thank You, Lisa and Family

The Gratitude you felt when your mom said "Air laut asin... (ocean water is salty)" after her first swimming in the sea. Its priceless.
That is Lisa's caption on her Instagram photo, for her holiday in Bali. Reading that, we in Balinest feel so happy that we could help on such important moment. For her holiday, Lisa doing all the research herself, preparing itinerary for the whole holiday, we help her with hotel, tickets and car.

She stays at our partner hotel, the Losari Sunset Road-Bali, and she rent our car (without driver), we also provide her tickets for Bounty Cruise - Lembongan, and Kecak Sunset at Uluwatu. We give her our best effort and service, and from her big smile in the end, also from her Instagram timeline, we know that we have succeeded.

Checkout their itinerary, for your reference :)

So here in this simple blog, we from Balinest want to say Thank You so much to Lisa and her lovely family...


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