Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tirta Gangga, Water Palace

Tirta Gangga literally means "water from the Ganges", strictly the name refers to the water palace built in 1948 by the King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem.

Tirta Gangga, Bali

Tirta Gangga 

The garden of this Bali water palace shows a unique mix of Balinese and Chinese architecture. The grounds of the water garden consists of 3 separate complexes each with ponds and many sculptures. The complex on the lowest level has two large ponds and a water tower.

At second complex (middle level) of the water palace, are the swimming pools (open for public, bring your swimsuit and try to swim here, the water is so fresh and clean). The third level houses the main complex with the country home of the former king (now become a restaurant and 4 bungalows, which open for public).

Tirta Gangga Water Palace

The water of Tirta Gangga has always been regarded as holy and is regularly used for religious temple ceremonies, led by the local temple priests. Check below youtube video for more detail footage...


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