To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon.

Tame the Monkey, Be Happy

Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grab one branch and let it go only to seize another, so to, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappear continually both day and night

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep. With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

MDR Mammalian Dive Reflex

After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tenganan Village

Before the 1970s the village was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded secieties in the archipelago. Rapid change has occurred in the village since the 70s, such as the development of local communications by the central government, the opening up for tourism, breaking of the endogamic rules. Tourist are attracted to Tenganan by its unique Bali aga culture (still holds the original traditions, ceremonies and rules of ancient Bali).

tenganan village

The people of Tenganan village is called Bali Aga - the original Balinese. They descend from the pre-Majapahit kingdom of Pegeng. There are strict rules as to who is allowed to live in the village. Only those who is born in the village can stay in the village and become full member of the community. There are rules regarding of marriage and anyone who marries outside of the village has to leave. A strict protocol regarding marriages among the kin group have steered the Tengananese through the genetic perils of intermarriage although with increasing contact with the outside world there rules have relaxed somewhat.

Morning in Tenganan #2

Based on folklore, once upon a time Bedahulu King lost one of his horses. The people looked for it to the east and the horse was finally found dead by Ki Patih Tunjung Biru, the King's right hand. For his loyalty, the king finally gave him an authority to govern the land as far as the aroma of the carrion of the horse can be smelled. Ki Patih was an intelligent person, so he cut the carrion into pieces and spread it as far as he could. Thus he receive a quite large area.

Tirta Gangga, Water Palace

Tirta Gangga literally means "water from the Ganges", strictly the name refers to the water palace built in 1948 by the King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem.

Tirta Gangga, Bali

Tirta Gangga 

The garden of this Bali water palace shows a unique mix of Balinese and Chinese architecture. The grounds of the water garden consists of 3 separate complexes each with ponds and many sculptures. The complex on the lowest level has two large ponds and a water tower.

At second complex (middle level) of the water palace, are the swimming pools (open for public, bring your swimsuit and try to swim here, the water is so fresh and clean). The third level houses the main complex with the country home of the former king (now become a restaurant and 4 bungalows, which open for public).

Tirta Gangga Water Palace

The water of Tirta Gangga has always been regarded as holy and is regularly used for religious temple ceremonies, led by the local temple priests. Check below youtube video for more detail footage...

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Rent Car PROMO (June July 2016)

This month on June, is the time for our moslem friend and family to have their 1 month fasting before Idul Eid, a big celebration. To feel the same joy with them, to celebrate Idul Eid so we also giving a IDR 30.000/day deduction from our normal rate.

But this deduction only for those booking / ordering on June - July 2016. 
So if you plan on going to Bali around those date, contact us for inquiry and booking :)

Whatsapp -> 082211777610
Email ->
Social Media -> FB, TWT, IG

Besakih Hindu's Temple

Besakih is a temple complex in the village of Besakih, located on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali, Indonesia. It made up of twenty three temples that sit on parallel ridges. It has stepped terraces and flights of stairs which ascend to a number of courtyard and brick gateways that lead up to the main space or Meru structure which is called Pura Penataran Agung.

There is 3 temples dedicated to the Hindu trinity at Besakih temple, Pura Penataran Agung in the center has white banners for Shiva, the destroyers; Pura Kidung Kreteg on the right side with red banners for Brahma, the creators; last one is Pura Batu Madeg represents Vishnu, the preserver with its black banners.

Pura Batu Madeg, containing a central stone, indicates that the area of Pura Besakih / Besakih temple was already regarded a holy place since ancient time, in the 8th century; then the other shrine were gradually built and Pura Besakih was made the main temple during the conquering of Bali by the Majapahit Empire in the 1343.

Besakih temple is the biggest Hindu's temple in Bali. It owns beautiful view from the top of temple area where we can see the wide nature panorama, from mountain to the ocean.


Early Prayer

Each year there are at least seventy festivals held at the complex, since almost every shrine celebrates a yearly anniversary. This cycle is based on the 120-day Balinese Pakuwon Calendar year. If you curious about this Majestic temple, check out below youtube video...