To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon.

Tame the Monkey, Be Happy

Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grab one branch and let it go only to seize another, so to, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappear continually both day and night

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep. With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

MDR Mammalian Dive Reflex

After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Menjangan 1 Day Trip

Menjangan island is a small island located 5 miles to the north-west of Bali island. Even though the island is a significant part of Bali Barat National Park, but it is assigned to the Javanese administrative district and falls under its juridiction. The closes big cities are Singaraja, located to the north of Bali and Banyuwangi, located on the eastern coast of Java.

If you love underwater activity, and planning to spend some time in Bali, then Menjangan should be on your list. Most of the island shelf extend to about 200 meter, then begins to descend at verious angles, for holiday snorkeling or swimming the island shelf is a great spot to have fun.

For the most part of the island gently slopes down to about 40 to 50 meters creates a dramatic backdrop of walls and abundance of fish life, gives amazing dive experiance.

With our Menjangan 1 Day Trip, you can enjoy Menjangan's amazing underwater view and snorkling around the island. The package include :
- Boat
- Guide
- Transportation and driver
- Snorkling equipment
- Tickets
- Lunch box

This package is great for those in short schedule, need intro to Menjangan and want to have fun snorkling or just want to away from the hectic city. The price is only IDR 650.000,- / person with minimum 4 person.
What to wait, contact us for booking or just asking question via email :
Or check out our twitter and facebook.