To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon.

Tame the Monkey, Be Happy

Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grab one branch and let it go only to seize another, so to, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappear continually both day and night

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep. With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

MDR Mammalian Dive Reflex

After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Lembongan Day trip with Bounty Cruise

If you only have 1 day to spend at Lembongan, you cannot go take our 2D1N trip plan, you can consider Bounty Cruise. Bounty cruise is a day trip cruise to Lembongan island, and then have fun activities for the whole day, such as island exploration, see the underwater world from a semi submersible boat, snorkling, diving, volleyball, banana boat and swimming, waterslide, cannoing. 

The boat will take around 45 minute to arrive and docking on the pontoon, then you can choose any kind of activities you want to do; delicious lunch available at the boat.

This trip is great for groups, honeymooner and families.
Price IDR 725.000,- / pax
(Include pickup hotel at 7-8 AM, lunch. Several activities need extra payment, such as scuba diving, beach club package and massage)

What to wait, contact us for booking or just asking question via email :
Or check out our twitter and facebook.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Equalize air space in our body

Our middle ears are dead air space, connected to the outer world only by the Eustachian tubes running to the back of our throat. On dive, the underwater pressure will squeeze our eardrums and causes painful middle-ear, this is the most common pressure-related ears injury. Therefore, we need to equalize so the pressure in our outer and inner ears match.

This is one of the basic skill that every diver need to practice, so we can dive safely. Another part that will needed to be equalized is our mask, because it contain air. The deeper we go, we will feel our mask squeeze and even cause pain. To equalize it we can blow a little air from our nose, enough to reduce the pressure.

If you dive without equalizing your middle ears, you can experience painful and damaging middle-ear barotrauma. Step by step here is what happened :
1. At one foot below the surface, you feel pressure on your ears.
2. At four feet, your ear drums bulge into your middle ears. Mucus begin to fill your Eustachian tubes, making it deficult to equalize your ears if you try. You start to feel pain.
3. At six feet, ear drums continue to bulge even further and tissue begin to tear causing inflammation that will last for 1 week. If small blood vessels in your eardrums breaks, this will last for up to 3 weeks. Your Eustachian tube are now locked shut by pressure, making equalization is imposibble.
4. At eight feet, if you are lucky, blood and mucus is sucked from surrounding tissues and begin to fill you middle ears. This is called middle-ears barotrauma. Fluid, not air, is now equalizes pressure on your eardrums.
5. At 10 feet, Eardrums may break. Water will flood your middle ear. The suddent sensation against your balance mechanism, your vestibular canals, may cause vertigo, especially if only one eardrum is breaks. Temporary or permanent hearing lost may result.

There is several ways to equalize, all methods for equalizing your ears are simply ways to open the lower ends of your Eustachian tubes, so air can enter.
-> Valsalva Maneuver, this method is the most common method. Pinch your nostrils and blow through your nose. The resulting overpressure in your throat usually force air up to Eustachian tube. But this methods do not activate muscles which open the Eustachian tubes, so it may not work if the tubes are already locked by a pressure differential.
-> Toynbee Technique, with your nostrils pinched or blocked against your mask skirt, swallow. Swallowing pulls open your Eustachian tubes while the movement of your tongue, with your nose closed compressed air against them.
-> Lowry Technique, this is a combination of Vasalva and Toynbee. While closing your nostrils, blow and swallow at the same time.
-> Edmonds Technique, while tensing the soft palate and throat muscles and pushing the jaw forward and down, do a Valsalva maneuver.
-> Frenzel Maneuver, close your nostrils and close the back of your throat as if straining to lift a weight, then make the sound of “K”. This will force the back of your tongue upward, compressing air against the openings of your Eustachian tubes.
-> Voluntary Tubal Opening, tens the muscles of the soft palate and the throat while pushing the jaw forward and down as if starting to yawn. These muscles pull the Eustachian tubes open.

When to equalize? Sooner and more often then you think. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Laguna Reef Huts Lembongan

Nusa lembongan is a small island off the southeast coast of the main island of Bali, its approximately 8 km in size and is one of the neighbouring island. Many areas around the island are good for diving and snorkling, with abundant marine life and healthy coral.

Laguna Reef Huts, Nusa Lembongan is located in Bali is a popular choice for tourists. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all part of the island. With its strategic location, the hotel offers easy access to the must-visit destinations. Laguna Reef Huts also offers a wide range of facilities to maximize your stay in Bali. The hotel provides a 24-hour reception, luggage storage, Wi-Fi in public areas, car park, room service to ensure the best comfort for our guests.

Guests can choose from 12 rooms. Entertainment facilities such as a swimming pool (outdoor), garden are designed for relaxing. Laguna Reef Huts is the ideal place to stay for tourists who are looking for the charm and comfort of Bali.

Price per night is : 
Garden View   IDR 820.000,- / room
Sea View  IDR 950.000,- / room

** Additional 450.000 / pax for pickup to Sanur speed boat harbour and crossing to Nusa Lembongan (return)
What to wait, contact us for booking or just asking question via
email :
Or check out our twitter and facebook.

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali

Nusa Lembongan, laguna reef hut Lembongan, Bali