To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon.

Tame the Monkey, Be Happy

Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grab one branch and let it go only to seize another, so to, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappear continually both day and night

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep. With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

MDR Mammalian Dive Reflex

After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Lembongan short trip

Nusa lembongan is a small island off the southeast coast of the main island of Bali, its approximately 8 km in size and is one of the neighbouring island. Many areas around the island are good for diving and snorkling, with abundant marine life and healthy coral.

With our Lembongan short trip, you can spend 2 days 1 night in Lembongan with minimum 3 person. The package include :
-> Pickup/drop from hotel to speedboat harbour in Sanur beach
-> Speedboat tickets for 3 person
-> Hotel at Reef Hut Hotel Lembongan
-> Snorkling equipment and boat, in 3 snorkling spot
-> Hotel breakfast
-> Lunch box for 3 person

This package is great for those in short schedule, need intro to Lembongan, love snorkling or if you just want to relax away from Bali's city hectic. The price is only 1.350.000,- / person with minimun 3 pax (person).

What to wait, contact us for booking or just asking question via email :
Or check out our twitter and facebook.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

There are a lot of sea creatures that are harmful to humans, one of them is jellyfish. Jellyfish is a sea creature that is gelatinous; they have a gelatinous umbrella shaped body with trailing tentacles. Jellyfish are not a good swimmer; they are drifted by the sea current.

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Not all jellyfish are stinging, many are harmless to humans. There are some species of jellyfish that are deadly to humans such as the box jellyfish, Portuguese man of war also known as the blue bottle, so it is best to avoid touching if you see one. Jellyfish sting usually happen accidentally, people accidentally touch the jellyfish because they didn’t see it, because their body is transparent. We can avoid the jellyfish sting by wearing protective clothing (wet suit, dive skin and gloves).

bali snorkling and freedive

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?
1. Get out of the water immediately, as calmly as possible.
2. Pour some warm saltwater over the affected area. (Do not use fresh water. Fresh water will cause the venom cells to release their toxin )
3. Remove the tentacles carefully. You can use a credit card to lift and scrape the tentacles from the skin.
4. Once the tentacles have been removed you can use ice to numb the sores skin or take a recommended dose of painkillers.
5. Get to hospital if the pain is very strong.

Symptoms :
1. Burning, stinging pain
2. Red, brown or purple tracks on the skin
3. Itching, tingling pain
4.Swelling, numbness
5.In several dangerous case, is hard to breath

what can you do if you got stung by jellyfish, jellies, sea jellies?

Note: The English popular name Jellyfish has been in use since 1769. It has traditionally also been applied to other animals sharing a superficial resemblance. As Jellyfish are not true fish, the word Jellyfish is considered by some to be a misnomer. Public aquariums may use the terms Jellies or Sea Jellies.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Mammalian Dive Reflex

In 1949, an Italian air force lieutenant named Raimondo Bucher decided to try a potentially deadly stunt off the coast of Capri, Italy. Bucher would sail out to the center of the lake, take a breath and dive 100 feet to the bottom. Scientist warned Bucher that, according to Boyle’s Law, the pressure at a hundred feet would shrink Bucher’s lungs to the point of collapse and would kill him, but it didn’t happened. In 1962 a Swedish-born researcher working for US named Per Scholander gathered a team of voulenteers, and they found MDR.

Mammalian Dive Reflex or MDR is a reflex in mammals which optimizes respiration to allow staying underwater for extended periods of time. Including human, and this MDR  help human/freediver to dive in minutes (World record is around 11 minutes, 2015).

The effect of MDR when activated is

Bradycardia – The heart slows down. This is the first response to submersion. Slowing the heart rate lessen the need for bloodstream oxygen, leaving more to be used by other organs. This is why splashing cold water on our face make us feel more refresh and calm.

Peripheral Vasoconstriction – The blood moves from the legs and arms to vital organs. When under high pressure induced by deep diving, capillaries in the extremities start closing off, stopping blood circulated to those areas. Start from fingers, hands and feets, then arms and legs; more blood for vital organs.

Splenic Contraction – The spleen releases extra red blood cells, meaning it is possible to carry more O2 in the blood.

Blood Shift – On deep dives the lungs are highly compressed and blood vessels enlarge to fill the space so that the chest not collapse with the pressure.

MDR benefits to freediving :
1.       Extended dive times
2.       Deeper relaxation
3.       Better handling of pressure of depth
4.       Oxygen conservation

MDR will active when the face is submerged, receptors that are sensitive to cold within the nasal cavity and other areas of the face relay the information to the brain and this will activate Bradycardia and Peripheral Vasoconstraction. After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

MDR Mammals Dive Reflex

The deeper we dive, the stronger and amphibious reflexes becomes. For more detail about the researcher Per Scholander (1962) visit here.

Freedive Freediving Nusa Lembongan Bali