To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon.

Tame the Monkey, Be Happy

Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grab one branch and let it go only to seize another, so to, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappear continually both day and night

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep. With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

MDR Mammalian Dive Reflex

After a while, CO2 in the body will cause Splenic Contraction to active; the the pressure will cause Blood shift to active. So totally there is 3 triggers that will activate all 4 MDR, the receptors within the nasal cavity, CO2 and water pressure.

What can you do if you got stung by jellyfish?

Some jellyfish have season. Their number increases during a certain time. In Indonesia jellyfish season usually happen in September during seasonal change from dry season to rainy season.

Friday, September 22, 2017

4 Days 3 Night at Gili Trawangan

Its almost a year since my last trip to Nusa Penida, and I start to feel that my daily schedule is boring, more and more negativity pile in my mind, it’s the time to have a trip (and of course another #freedivearoundglobe video). After discussing several option with my partner in dive (@endahkusmardian) such as Karimun Java, Derawan, Gorontalo or Gili island (all in Indonesia), we finally decide Gili island is where we go.

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

Gili Trawangan is Is the largest island of Lombok’ Gili islands. Gili islands consist of 3 island, and Gili Trawangan is one of them, the other island is GIli Meno and Gili Air (the smallest and the closest to Lombok main island). This island is located at north west of Lombok, while Lombok is located at the east of Bali.

To get to Gili Trawangan, we could take flight to Lombok international airport then from there we still need 2 hour driving by car, to Bangsal harbor, then from there we take boat crossing to Gili Trawangan. Other way to get there is by boat from Bali, direct to Gili Trawangan. Me and Endah, we both take 5 AM flight from Jakarta, which means we need to get ready at 3 AM, so we decide to just not sleeping and using our time to packing our stuff, get ready and go to airport. The flight take around 1.5 hour then we take a shuttle car, but we didn’t go to Bangsal harbor as people usually does, we get to Nara private harbor and rent a speed boat from there, it cost us IDR 350.000,-/boat (more expensive, but better timing; only 7 minute).

My friend Sita, suggest me to stay near Gili Trawangan harbor, so it would be more convenient (the only transport in Gili islands is bike or horse cart); but that area is crowded, while me and Endah want to get cozy and relax in quite area, so we choose the Gili Trawangan Aston hotel; because the location of the hotel, after we arrive in Gili Trawangan harbor we rent a bike and ride to the hotel (Endah got dizzy after half way, because of lack of sleep and heat). Horse cart is the most comfort transport, but it also quite expensive (cost almost like taxi).

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

Our schedule is first day resting, second day is land trip, third day is water trip and at the fourth day also resting plus going back home. As I already mention above, to get to Gili is quite hardwork and we both don’t have enough sleep because we both take early morning flight, that’s why first day is rest-day with sleep, relax, dinner on the schedule. The food in Gili island is vary from local Balinese / Lombok's cooking, to western food, its easy to get, we have tried from nasi campus, grilled seafood, pizza, omelets, etc.

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

On the second day, we wake up early then have a nice breakfast on the beach, then we pack our long fin and snorkel, bring lots of water and ride our bike around the island. We start from Aston hotel going north and continue clockwise. Almost all beach in Gili Trawangan is shallow reef/coral, its swimmable everywhere. The most famous one is at the very north of the island, right where the road end, you will found many people swim and snorkeling around.

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

It took us around 6 hour to ride along the island, snorkeling in 2 spot (at the first spot my pentax got broken), buy take away lunch and having lunch at the beach and back to hotel, we close our activity with a spa massage at the hotel and get sleep to regain our power. At night we meet a friend at a restaurant around the harbor to discuss about our plan the next day. The harbor at night is load with bar, live music, people chatting along the road.

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

The third day, as discussed before, me, Endah and Sita (my high school friend) decided we will take half day snorkeling trip it will involve not only Gili Trawangan, but also Gili Air and Gili Meno. It’s a nice trip to get introduction to all Gili island. The boat stop at 5 spot, include the turtle point, have lunch at Gili Air then head back to Gili Trawangan. After finish, me, Endah, Sita and Sindoro (Sita’s husband) rent a horse cart to go to the west area of the island for a sunset view and a little walk on the beach, then  we have dinner together (with 3 more friends) at the harbor night market.

The next morning, me and Endah wake up late, we have a slow morning and breakfast, preparing our self to get back home (which we don’t want to, we event thinking to apply a job at Gili Trawangan Aston hotel where we stay).

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

4 days 3 night is the minimum time i would suggest to spend there, longer is better, but less then that i think would be waste of time and energy, because the effort to go there and the cost for me wouldn't be equal. If its your first time to go there, just like us, try to ride bike around the island and try the half day snorkeling trip, you will quickly feel familiar with the island. If its not your first time to Gili, then try much deeper / advance activity like yoga course, freedive course, scuba diving course, cooking class, try to stay at Gili Air, Gili Meno, etc.

The first reason me and Endah choose Gili as our holiday destination is because we both never went there (which Endah have been to more places then iam), the other reason is there several freediving center in Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air; and also scuba dive center - which a hint that the area is good for diving. Compared to Amed, Menjangan and Nusa Penida in Bali, Gili Trawangan isn’t the best one but the water clarity / temperature and depth here is great for beginner / expert diver. That reason I mention above is reason before we went there, after present at the island, we fall in love right away. The vibration there, specially if you stay far from the harbor, relaxing quite beach, the horizon spread separate the blue ocean and the sky, clear fresh air, nice diver every where, good food.

Its an amazing place to spend time with your love one, like me and Endah, we enjoy our time together, a lot; you could bring family there, but maybe you would need to rent horse cart to go around, because riding bike could be exhausting for children and elder. I think the vibration there at Gili would bring relationship more intimate; doing activity like ride bike together, chill on the beach together on breakfast, lunch, dinner, on sunrise and sunset, snorkeling together, diving together, even get lazy together. I personally wont suggest people to stay around the harbor, because it s very crowded at night (if you like crowd, then choose other area such as Kuta – Bali, Senggigi – Lombok, etc). Checkout our youtube channel, review with video and other video here...

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

trip to Gili trawangan with balinest

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Things to do in Gili islands

Gili islands located in Lombok is known as “Party Islands” for many years, specially Gili Trawangan, but its not the only thing the island has to offer, and that is not the reason why we in Balinest love this islands. So here is things to do in Gili Islands

gili trawangan street view
Gili Trawangan street view

#1 Diving (scuba diving or freediving) / snorkeling
Gili islands has clear sea water, the visibility is around 20m and warm, most beach around Gili islands is shallow around 5 meter deep, then if you swim out for 20 meter it will drop from 5 to 30 meter deep.  With this condition there is diving spot all around Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, with vary dept and condition, some area may best for scuba diving, some for freediving or snorkeling.

The best time to dive is from May to September, when the wet season ends.

Diving Freediving and Snorkeling in Gili islands, lombok
Diving Freediving and Snorkeling in Gili islands, lombok

#2 Relaxing spa
After diving or snorkeling, or after a long bike ride around the island, or just tired because of hot temperature, there many reason to enjoy spa time. There many place you could try, but the one we would recommend is the one in Aston Hotel, the price is affordable, nice place, friendly therapist, good massage, relaxing spa treatment.

#3 Bike ride around the island
You might already know that there is automobile and motorized traffic is prohibited on the islands, the only method of transportation is walking, bicycle or horse cart. There are amazing view of blue sky, and turquoise beach around the island, sunset view and sunrise view everywhere; a real vision of heaven. Rent a bike and ride it along the sandy road around the island and experience all those amazing view, bring also your snorkel and fins just in case you feel like snorkeling in some spot.
If you in Gili Trawangan, start in the morning when the water is still a little cold and fresh, right after breakfast; you could also bring your lunch box, that way you don’t need to bring your wallet, just for safety reason, ride your bike and start pedaling. Riding bike, snorkeling in several spot, lunch at the beach, and back to where you start, all will take around 8 hours. But if you in Gili Meno or Gili Air, bike ride around will take less time, because the island is smaller then Gili Trawangan.

(remember to take lot of water, to prevent dehydration and don’t litter)

Bike around Gili islands, or use cidomo instead
Bike around Gili islands, or use cidomo instead

Bike around Gili islands, or use cidomo instead
Bike around Gili islands, or use cidomo instead

#4 Meditation / yoga
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical discipline, while meditation more focus on the mental and spiritual. Both yoga and meditation could practiced daily, but to get more result and faster progress, yoga and meditation need to be practiced in a long and continues time, that’s why most serious yoga and meditation practitioner would go on a retreat.

You could found many place to learn yoga and meditation in Gili Trawangan, Meno or even Gili Air, the service vary from beginner class to expert, even to serious retreat. Checkout GiliYoga…

(in north Bali, Brahmavihara Arama at Singaraja provide many meditation retreat through the year, in many discipline)

#5 Enjoy beach vibe
Maybe it’s the day you don’t want to do anything, you just want to have a moment with yourself, with someone important, or any reason; walking, reading, sun bath, enjoying peaceful beach vibe. Bring your towel and water, there is quite beach everywhere, some in walking distance, some need extra effort (depend on where you stay), but most nice and quite beach is in north of Gili Trawangan, if you in Gili Meno then its everywhere (this is the least popular island, second largest), if you in Gili Air then most quite beach is at west of the island.

enjoy holiday in Gili island, lombok with balinest
enjoy holiday in Gili island, lombok with balinest

#6 Water activity
Its literally beach everywhere in Gili Island, other then diving, freediving and snorkeling you still can enjoy other water activity such as surfing, SUP boarding, canoeing, kayaking, and have fun with subwing. All of those activity can be easily found specially near the harbor, except for subwing, there is only one place that provide subwing service, here…

The subwing board is build from two separate board wings which are connected with rotatable swivel. By holding on the front edge of each wing with one hand, it can be easily be controlled in all direction. To make subwing fun, you will be towed, start from 2 knots to allow you get familiar with the board, after you give ok signal you will be pulled a bit faster, maximum speed is 4 knots.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Plan trip Jakarta to Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan is the largest island of Lombok’s Gili islands. Gili islands consist of 3 island, and Gili Trawangan is one of them, the other is Gili Air and Gili Meno. The name Trawangan originates from Indonesian word Trowongan mean tunnel, due to the presence of a cave tunnel build during Japanese occupation in world war 2, war of the Gilis. Gili Trawangan is famous among tourist who enjoy diving, snorkeling, nature and beach.

For scuba diver, diving around Gili islands is rather nice but nothing compared to other places like Komodo island or Bunaken. However it is a very good place for beginner divers as the conditions are usually good. The current is generally very gentle and the visibility good around 20m; that’s why Freediving is also big in Gili (this is the reason we go to Gili) there are Freedive Gili, Freedive Air, Freedive Blue Marine and Freedive Flow; this is several freedive center we can choose.

gili island located location
Gili islands located

To go to Gili Trawangan, we need to get to Bangsal Harbour in Lombok island, located in northwest of the island. The main access to Lombok is Lombok International Airport (LOP) or if you from Bali there is speedboat from Padang Bai harbor (located at east Bali). If you from the airport, there is several way to get to Bangsal Harbour, first by shuttle car (sharing or private) we try using from internet; we contact them through whatsapp, and got replay quickly and book our car. Second option is to rent car, this will cost more but give more comfort along the road. The third option is to use official airport transportation which is a taxi directly to Bangsal harbour or take bus to Mataram city then take a taxi to Bangsal harbor.

Bangsal Harbour and Lombok airport

Then from Bangsal harbor crossing to Gili Trawangan have 2 option with regular wooden boat or with fast boat. Regular wooden boat will take approximately 45 minute, while fast boat will take 7 minute to arrive at Gili Trawangan. We can bought the ticket right at the harbor (we choose regular wooden boat).

So, roughly the transportation to Gili Trawangan and back home is clear. Now for the hotel, my friend recommend me to stay near the harbor, it would be more convenient if we want to go to the other Gilis / islands. 

Below is what we plan for our Gili Trawangan trip :

#first day – we arrive and take a rest, having a relaxing dinner and then a good night sleep. (because the road is long, from an early flight - 2 hour by car - then a boat - and last one is going to the hotel). And please note that there is no motor powered ride on the island, so the option is bicycle or horse cart.

#second day – we planning on biking around the island, swim on beach,spa at the hotel and have a dinner with old friends from Bali. (Its our first time to Gili, so we think we need to explore the island)

#third day – having a snorkeling trip around the Gili’s islands, then having a relaxing dinner (we decide to take the 5 hour trip which include snorkling spot at Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air)

#fourth day – we want to take a good rest in the morning, get ready to go back home (same reason with the first day, we need to get energized for a long road trip back to Jakarta)

For the hotel, in the whole Gili’s area there many option for place to stay, with vary price from 200.000 IDR to more then 5.000.000 IDR. But the main difference we found is that place with beach will cost more then the one without, the price range for place in front of the beach more then 800.000 IDR, while the one without beach will cost less then that. As you can see on our plan above, me and Endah will have a swim, beach walk, snorkeling and freediving, so we choose hotel with beach access. We end up choose Aston – Gili Trawangan because it has beach in front of it, and we familiar with the service standard. Flight, car, boat, hotel, and itinerary is clear, ready to gooooo….

Sunday, April 30, 2017


uss shipwreck freedive fun
In the beginning of 2017, we had a trip to Amed and Tulamben in Bali. Located in east side of Bali, to get there will took around 3 hours from Denpasar city / around 4 hours from airport. Amed is famous as diving center of Bali, it was a small village with lot of diving center along the street, the beach around Amed is black sand with a volcanic rocks and calm water and vary depth. The most famous spot in Amed is Jemeluk Bay, its a good spot for snorkeling and beginner diver.

Just right besides Amed, there is another village called Tulamben, this place is famous for Liberty USS Shipwreck, one of the best shipwreck for diving in asia. To get here it only took around 30 minute drive from Amed, there a lot of hotel, homestay or diving center to in Tulamben, if you prefer to stay close to this diving spot.

On our trip, we visit 3 spot, the first one is the Jemeluk Bay, and then the USS Shipwreck and the last one is Japanese shiwwreck. We choose Jemeluk Bay as our first dive spot because its easy and fun to dive there, while we resting from a long drive from Denpasar. On the last day we choose Japanese Shipwreck is also because its an easy dive spot in there, to get ready for long drive back to Denpasar.

uss shipwreck freedive fun

Check out the video on our youtube channel, and more photo at our instagram.
If you have any question dont hesitate to ask us on our social media, or email at

Contact us by email at
Mobile phone at 081293920411
Whatapp at 082211777610
or PM at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Sunday, January 1, 2017


freedive around globe, nusa penida, baliHappy New Year 2017,

Finally after having delayed, we able to publish our first #FREEDIVEAROUNDGLOBE video.
On this first video, we go to Nusa Penida, islands at the south-east of Bali island. There is many dive site and snorkeling site in Nusa Penida, we choose only 3 of them its Gamat Bay, Manta Spot and Toyapakeh.

To go to Nusa Penida from Bali island is easy, most boat is going from Sanur Beach and usually there is boat going to Nusa Penida in the morning, at noon and afternoon. The island is small, so you wont get lost in there and it easy to get hotel, transport and food in there; the only thing i would suggest is bring a lot of water because the sun could be so bright and hot in there, and also bring shade, scarf or any other fabric just to cover your body because the sun burn could get messy.

Not only underwater, the island also famous for its amazing landscape. So make sure to spend time around the island :)

Check out the video on our youtube channel, and more photo at our instagram.
If you have any question dont hesitate to ask us on our social media, or email at

Contact us by email at
Mobile phone at 081293920411
Whatapp at 082211777610
or PM at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fun Dive : Blue Season Bali

best diving in Bali, with balinest and blue season bali
Diving in Bali, With Balinest and Blue Season Bali

Blue Season Bali is the Bali scuba diving industry's premier dive center. Their service are structured around nine core service product ranging from Discover Scuba Diving experiences and PADI courses to scuba diving internship, technical diving instructor training programs and ECO Internship. If you want top quality scuba diving service, you have found your solution at Bali's top rated five-star PADI Career Development Center.

Diving in Bali, offer so much from Shipwreck in Tulamben to Sunfish and Manta rays in Nusa Penida. There is also some macro dive sites like Seraya to see Mimic Octopus, Harlequin Shrimps, Hairy Frogfish and other rare and unusual critter life. Bali diving is very varied and it is suitable for all levels of divers from complete beginner divers to experienced professional divers. We also offer technical diving trips & an award-winning scuba diving internship program if you are ready to go down the professional path. Read More about Diving in Bali...

Book your diving or snorkeling with Balinest, and get this special price for you :
all price in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)

Contact us by email at
Mobile phone at 081293920411
or PM at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Thank You, Lisa and Family

The Gratitude you felt when your mom said "Air laut asin... (ocean water is salty)" after her first swimming in the sea. Its priceless.
That is Lisa's caption on her Instagram photo, for her holiday in Bali. Reading that, we in Balinest feel so happy that we could help on such important moment. For her holiday, Lisa doing all the research herself, preparing itinerary for the whole holiday, we help her with hotel, tickets and car.

She stays at our partner hotel, the Losari Sunset Road-Bali, and she rent our car (without driver), we also provide her tickets for Bounty Cruise - Lembongan, and Kecak Sunset at Uluwatu. We give her our best effort and service, and from her big smile in the end, also from her Instagram timeline, we know that we have succeeded.

Checkout their itinerary, for your reference :)

So here in this simple blog, we from Balinest want to say Thank You so much to Lisa and her lovely family...